I began computing in the days of DOS, and I still can't give up the command prompt. When it comes to doing down-and-dirty tasks like mass deleting or renaming of files, nothing beats it. I find myself frequently switching back and forth between Windows Explorer and the command prompt.Often, when using Windows Explorer, I want to open the command prompt at the folder that's my current location.
That takes too many steps: opening a command prompt and then navigating to my current folder.
However, there's a quicker way: you can add an option to the right-click context menu that will open a command prompt at your current folder.
For example, if you were to right-click the
C:\My Stuff folder,
you could then choose to open a command prompt at
C:\My Stuff.To add the option, run the Registry Editor, then go to
Create a new key called Command Prompt. For the default value, enter whatever text you want to appear when you right-click a folderfor example, Open Command Prompt.
Create a new key beneath the Command Prompt key called Command.
Set the default value to Cmd.exe /k pushd %L.
That value will launch Cmd.exe, which is the XP command prompt.
The /k switch puts the prompt into interactive mode.
That is, it lets you issue commands from the command prompt; the command prompt isn't being used to issue only a single command and then exit. The pushd command stores the name of the current directory, and %L uses that name to start the command prompt at it.
Exit the Registry.
The new menu option will show up immediately.
Note that it won't appear when you right-click a file; it shows up only when you right-click a folder.While many of us like fussing around with the Registry rather than doing things the easy way, there's also a way to add this option to your right-click context menu without editing the Registry.
Download and install a free copy of Microsoft's Open Command Window Here PowerToy from
Open the Command Prompt from the Right-Click Menu
Posted by
Shashank Krishna
Thursday, January 15, 2009