Free Custom Blog Templates
1. Blogger-Templates
2. Our Blogger Templates - I used the Newspaper Template and modified it to my liking for the Eazy Cheezy Design.
3. 70 Fresh and Modern Blogger Templates - Great Mashable Listing.
4. 50 More Beautiful Blogger Templates - An additional Mashable Listing.
5. BTemplates
6. Eblog Templates
7. Blog Crowds
8. ProBloggerDesign
9. Psycho: Free Template Generator
10. Blogspot Templates
Free Logo Generators
11. Cool Text - I used this generator for my Eazy Cheezy Logo.
12. Logo Generator
13. Free Logo Makers
14. 25 Great Logo Generators
15. Hetemeel - Make an Einstein Picture.
Added Sites
(Updated to include additional quality Blog Template sites)

Blogger Tricks TemplatesDo you have any other sites you have used for your custom templates or for generating logos and images? Any of the sites above that you like most or least? As always, I'd love to hear from you.

Related Posts : BLOGGING TIPS
I love it ;) thank you