Use of BitTorrent is not possible on some networks (e.g. institute or office lan). By using a secure connection (SSH), you can bypass almost every firewall. Linux or a UNIX-based OS terminal supports SSH. For Windows, you have to download SSH clients. There are may SSH clients, but PuTTY is (probably) the best and certainly the most popular. For this hack you need a SSH account. You can try one of these free shell providers from this list . So here it goes….
1. Run putty and In the address box, put the hostname or IP address of the server you have an SSH account on. Make sure the SSH radio button or check-box is ticked, and be sure you’re using port 22.
2. In the menu, click on Proxy tab under Connections and put your proxy settings there.
3. In the menu, click on SSH and select enable compression. this will compress the traffic thru your SSH tunnel, which not only provides a modest improvement in transfer rates, but has some minor security benefits as well. Set your preferred protocol to “2″, or “2 only”.
4. Click on the tunnels menu under SSH. At the bottom, select the dynamic button, and enter a source port. Use any port (greater than 1024 like 4567). Click the “add” button.
5. Go back to the session tab in the menu, enter in a title for this proxy, and click save.
6. Now Configure your BitTorrent client. In uTorrent go to Options > Preferences > Connection. Enter your port number (which u use earlier like 4567), socks 4 or 5 as type, and localhost in the proxy field. Socks5 is preferable to version four, and supported by our SSH tunnel, so select it. Click OK, and you should now be proxying thru the server with the SSH account.
You’re done, restart your BitTorrent client and you’re ready to go. BitTorrent over SSH tends to be a bit slower than your normal connection, but it’s a great solution when BitTorrent connections are blocked.